Punkie's Trip to Sweden 2001

I had seen my grandmother's old house about 6 year ago, when I came during the winter. It was nothing more than a foundation with trees growing out of it. Now it's in a moose-infested wilderness. I can see why she moved! :)

Jet lag sucks. I was living six hours behind. On top of that, I got a cold. What makes it REALLY bad is that the sun never goes down up here in the summer, and so your body doesn't know WHAT the hell time it is. This was 1:00 am on the morning of August 1st. In June, it's even lighter.

JonEric took me to see where Edit (my grandmother) grew up and lived before she came to the states. Obviously, the house is long gone. This was her front yard.

This is the only standing structure on the property, part of the stable/barn where the cows and such were put in the harsh winters.

More stable, with me posing in my new Buckaroo Banzai jacket. Trees are growing out of what used to be the grain storage.

This was the stable door. I was hoping to see a ghost, but none appreared.

This was the kitchen of the house. I found an old coffee can and teapot, and put it on the remnants of the iron stove.

This used to be a meadow where the cows grazed.

Can you believe that places like this still exist? I almost had a religious experience here. This was from some property that JonEric grew up on. Sweden has some of the most indescribable beauty I have even seen.

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