Punkie's Trip to Sweden 2001

This is my cousin Sven in front of a logging mill on the runes site. Sven is my grandmother's great great nephew, actually. He was my tour guide for most of these two weeks, and was very helpful pointing out things to me, and explaining all of Swedish history.

An old salmon trap. Salmon, in Sweden, is terrific. It probably comes from farms in Norway, but it's great nonetheless.

Me in an old locomotive. Unlike in the US, in Sweden, they let you just climb around things and let you worry about your own safety. I kind of like this, because I got to see the inside of the train, with the old parts and everything.

We also went to a place having a clothworker's exhibit. A lot of my pictures came out too dark, but this one came out okay. This is one of a loom and some furniture made from local cloth.

This was the inside of an older church we went into. These things are always very old, and very beautiful. I went into the one at Gammelstad (old town), too, but it was too dark to take photos.

Graveyard outside.

This was from one of Sven's "projects." Sven works for a museum, and he's one of the people overseeing this old linen factory and saw mill. I learned a LOT about linen here.

The site also had two power plants. An older decommissioned one, and a newer working one. This is the backside of a power panel in the older one.

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