Fan Mail

I do get mail occasionally. Most of it is spam, asking me to buy some mailing list, or a tummy-cizer, or something with lots of XXX, !!!, or $$$ in them. But out of the personal mail from strangers, I get some good pieces of mail, some not so good. Here are some letters (minus the ones that point out my frequent spelling and grammar errors), as they were written and sent to me, both good and bad. If your letter is here, and you would like it removed, just ask!


On Jan 19, "Poodle" said:

Greg, Poodle here from HF, MBTV, FT, etc.

I just spent over an hour wandering around your site after zooping 
over from your pictures on the pet thread at Hissyfit.

I am blown away, I don't know what to say.  So cool, so cool, 
I'm babbling.  Okay, settle down, when are you coming out of the 
closet as a fellow squid fan? and your story about meeting 
Christine and and your tribute to JoAnn both had me crying 
for such different reasons.

Thanks for sharing,

Punkie: Thank you so much! I am blushing, that's the best praise I have had all year! Or last year! :)

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On Feb 8, Matt said:

> Hi there, my name is matt.  I will be graduating this summer 
> from mclean.  I loved reading your story.  i couldn't help but 
> burst out laughing at times.  Mrs. Lodall is now principal at 
> Thomas Jefferson.  She retired for a couple of years and then 
> went there(she had cancer or something like that). Anyway
> Mr. Jones took over for awhile and now we have a completely new guy.
> i loved your boycott of prom.  Believe it or not i've kind of done the
> same thing.  seven proms and homecomings and i haven't gone to one.
> (I've gotten asked but was never really interested).  At first it 
> was i was just kinnda lazy but after awhile i decided to start 
> boycotting them and make every attempt not to go.
>     Next is the big one.  I plan on not going to senior prom.  I don't
> care if the prettiest girl asked me, i won't go.  i know i'll get alot
> crap but i don't care.
> matt

Punkie: So TJHHST took away Mrs. Lodal, huh? Damn, talk about a mixed blessing. I hope the new guy is a better principal. We used to have this guy named Mr. Price (before Mrs. Lodal) who was like our Ed Koch. He kept going around the hall asking, "How am I doing?" We thought he was a goof, but I don't think anyone actively disliked him. He got promoted to Area III Supervisor, and he might still be there.

Not going to the prom is a personal decision. I read an article two years ago where a group of teens in Texas protested their Senior prom by holding a rival party directly opposite it. I think in their case, it was a some sort of political problem between what the students asked for and what the teachers told them was acceptable. I still do not regret what I did, and over the years, it has gotten even better with letters like yours, plus my own classmates coming back and saying, "Yeah, the prom really sucked. You didn't miss anything, and probably had more fun at the sci fi convention than we did."

One of the things I have come to realize is that your life is your own. You will come across many customs and rituals in your life that you are expected to participate at. Homecoming and Prom in high school. Rival football games in college. New Years parties and seeing fireworks on the 4th of July. But if you don't get anything out of them, why go? My father used to drag my mother and myself to parades, even in cold, harsh, rainy weather. I never saw anything but the back of the person in front of me. All I heard was the din of the crowd and my mother complaining she wanted to sit down. It was at one of these parades I decided that I would never go to ANYTHING I didn't have to or didn't want to go.

Every year, I get invited to parties. This last New Year's, I was invited to three of them. All of them sounded interesting, one was at a sci-fi convention, one was celebrating Chinese New Year, and one was just to get drunk (or something, but it was catered). But I spent New Year's with my wife, my son, and one of my best friends, Jason. We lit a fire in the fireplace, watched Dick Clark, and talked until we couldn't stay awake anymore. I had a great time.

You are right, you may get a lot of crap. To some people, the prom is the peak of the social circles. It is where memories are made, good and bad. The idea of not showing up is a clenching fear that they will "miss out" on something highly important, that they won't be cool, and won't be accepted. But I find proms to be catty, boring, and noisy. And honestly, looking at the whole thing, the prom is nothing more than a sort of goodbye to everyone. You won't see these people next year. You will also realize later on that all the social gossip and status in high school won't mean diddly in college or the real world. I don't know who the King and Queen of the prom was, and I doubt I know where they are now. And it's not like getting anointed as the popular choice did anything for them than a fleeting moment of being the center of attention. Heck, I can do that now. Anyone can.

Heck, I dare you to king yourself as "Anti-prom King!" Send me photos. :)

Thanks for the letter, and take care or yourself.

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On May 05, Roy said:

I saw your thing about the knife store. I used to work 
there in 1994 and they were just like you discribed. 
HAH WTG! I love knifes tho. Its in your blood! Or from 
your blood. I lost more blood there then anywhare else.
Did you ever sell those crapy BUCK knifes? They made me
sell those!

Punkie: You know, to this day, I still can't see someone with a knife without wanting to know what kind it is. Before then, I didn't give a hoot about the knife industry, but you are right, it gets into your blood. I didn't lose much blood there, but oddly enough, I had a Buck Titanium close on my knuckle while cleaning it. Those lockbacks are strong! I still have a small scar from that.

No, they made me sell those crappy Valor knives! Ugh. I got a butterfly knife from them and the rivets kept coming out.

May all your knives be Hibben and Randall...

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On June 21, Bandy said:

Your story about the man and child- well it probably wouldn't matter if the
child hadn't been leashed.  The father would have still neglected the kid
anyway.  My family lives very close to a busy road- the thought of my son
being hit by a car because we couldn't react fast enough is too much to
I want my child to be able to walk on his own, stop and pickup a stick or
rock, or explore a flower.  I don't want the child to be stuck in a stroller
or hanging on to my hand at the cost of his own arm.  A leash gives the
child freedom and safety.  The fact is- it's much better then carrying the
child or pushing a stroller and it gives me comfort in knowing that I can
stop him before he runs for the street.  He won't always need it- but until
HE knows why- I'm glad it's there.
I struggled with the idea at first- but they just make too much sense.  A
good parent has to balance a certin amount of exploration/risk with
shelter/safety.  A leash gives the parent a chance to allow the child to
explore more, but always within reach.

Punkie: I understand some of your points, and some people have also explained this to me. However, how did our parents and their parents deal with the problems? Many of them had many more kids than we did. Take the multitude of farm families in the 1800s and first half of the 1900s. How did they keep them from wandering off and being trampled by horses? I guess you could argue that they didn't, and the incidence of horse tramplings and wildcat snatchings was much higher then. But we all made it through somehow. I have known a few people who had leashes as kids (it's still a relatively recent thing). I don't know one person who looked back on that as a good idea. One girl said it nearly strangled her twice, and I heard many incidents involving the leash getting tangled or caught up in someone or something else (often store clothing racks). I just think it's one more thing that separates us from our children, and God knows we have too much of that as it is. Peace out. :)

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On July 28, Ella R. said:

How come you have so many misspellings on your site?

Punkie: Sun spots.

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On August 27, Richard B. said:

 Just came across your screed against McLean High School.  Priceless.  I was
class of '89, and the nut log incident sounds like the kind of bull[poop] that
fine institution would pull.  I had to sell sausages for the marching band
and M&Ms for the orchestra.  I bet Berlioz never did that [dung].


Punkie: Hey, thanks! :) The M&M's weren't so bad, our Sci Fi club sold a lot of those. Ms. Lodal banned them from being sold in school, but we rebelled and sold them under the counter and from our backpacks. Hell, we even had a kid *at another school* sell them for us. It was like crack, and people knew we were the dealers. Even teachers bought them from us (and we always claimed that if caught, we'd plead entrapment by an authorized adult, but we never got caught). I don't know if we made any records, but we had to re-order twice, and we got enough to pay for three sci-fi conventions (with hotel rooms), and a glorious Chinese dinner at a posh restaurant for our graduation.

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On Sep 12, "The Manitou" said:

Cthulhu haikus
Are funny and brilliant
They torture my mind.

Please keep up the good work.


I receive fan mail
Someone named "The Manitou"
Replied to it late

Tried to be smartass
Flunked poetry in high school
So my haikus are bad

Punkie :)

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On Nov 6, Malle Babbe said:

Hey Grig! This is Malle Babbe from over at Hissyfit!  I came across your website from Hissyfit and 
I just wanted to drop a line to tell you how great it is, esp. your tales of life in a Northern 
Virginia high school.  I went to Frost Intermediate from '86 to '88, and Annandale High School from 
'89 to '91.  After seeing the movie "Heathers" a few years ago, I wondered if someone was 
following me around from my days at Frost (neat poet, shitty school).  Your tales of Mrs. Lodal and 
spoiled-neurotic-sadistic rich kids sound eerily familiar; life is hell when you are Air Force brat with 
a Benetton-less wardrobe...  Throw in being hassled by the Faifax County Spur-Posse-wannabe club, 
and you have described by senten- I mean  "time" there.  While as an undergrad at Penn State, 
someone sent a Mrs. Lodal clone up to run the Scholars Program.  She was a past master of beaming 
strangely, making a big show of appearing to listen empathetically to what you had to say, and then 
doing whatever the hell she was planning on doing in the first place.  There has to be a secret lab 
somewhere in the Washington DC area where they keep breeding those people; maybe out near Langley, 

Keep on with the excellent work on your website, esp. in deflating the McLean grads that want to kick your ass.

Punkie: I think they don't so much as breed them as they grow in vats near Martha Stewart's estate. Some of those women would have even made the Pod People go, "Okay, live a little!"

In my neighborhood, at least, those types of women came from families that never really had many worries. It's funny, a majority of rich families never produced offspring that contributed to their wealth, only spent it recklessly. Part of this came from the fact that they shielded their kids from all of life's little woes. So they never learned sympathy of those that suffer a little more.

I had a friend's mom from that time who when she wanted to loan me a VHS tape, I had to say, "Sorry, I don't own a VCR." Her response was, "Well, why not go buy one, sweetie, they sell them everywhere now." I told her I didn't have the money to do so, and this quick look of confusion washed across her face, like she didn't understand the concept. To these people, "Broke" meant you had to sell one of your summer homes and had the maid only come in on alternate weekdays.

I don't hate them as much as I used to. Now that I am older, I see what struggles they do go through, and how their lives will never quite be as interesting as those Jackie Collins books they read. I think in some ways, they never identify with people because they never had to depend on them very much.

Oh well. At least there's Hissyfit. :)

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On Nov 26, "Evil Gurrrl" said:

hey.....i don't know who you are and i was just bored so i checked out your site
......i consider myslef punk....i'm 17yrs old femal and a junior in high school.....
the "punk" kids in my school (small group of them) are from a farm country...
never been "out there" they always rag on me for being a poser but i just tell 
them to go f*** off because punk is an attitude and i happen to like punk...
actually real punk shit like blink 182 or sum 41....nothing suguar 
coated.....i agree with your opinion.....punk is an attitude...i just wish other
people would realize that and not worry so much as to if i am a poser or not.....
i wear bondage pants and bad tees not becuase that is classifided as "punk" but 
because i like hair is also pink.....because its my fav. color......
people  don't influence me....i influence myslef.....people should learn the 
real meaning of punk and read your web site....mabey they'd think again as to 
what their standars mean.

Punkie: I recall a conversation at an anime con about a year ago. I recall thinking how fitting it was that Cubanate's "Oxyacetylene" was playing in the background, because these two were arguing over whether it was punk or techno. The conversation went something like:

Dude1: It's punk. I mean, the guy's yelling and junk.
Dude2: It's not punk, that is a techno, thus disco, beat.
Dude1: DUDE! Don't call them disco, man! Disco is for your Mom.
Dude2: Shut your puppyhole, dude! It's disco. Classic 4/4 beat.
Dude1: So??? The Ramones used 4/4 beat!
Dude2: Oh, yeah, bring the Ramones into this. What have they done recently?
Dude1: Hey man, this song was in Mortal - f**king Kombat, n'kay?
Dude2: It was not! You are on crack, man, this song came out after MK ... your Mom watches Mortal Kombat.
Dude1: Shut your puppyhole, man. It's punk. Pure and simple. Listen to how loud it is!
Dude2: Your mom's loud!
Dude1: Your Mom is louder, but my [described an act of oral sex that would gag someone] shut her up.
Dude2: You are a loser.
Dude1: You are! It's punk you dickwad!
Dude2: Diiiisco...!
Dude1: I am going to wipe that f**kin' smile off your face if you don't'n shut the hell up!
Dude2: Diii-hiii-scoooooo!

Then they started to swing at each other. To the beat of the music. That is so messed up. I had to pretend I was laughing at someone else. I wonder if they ever got that settled. I still can't listen to that song without thinking of those two. Bwah haw! What the hell is a "puppyhole," anyway? Hey, guys? Cheech and Chong called. They want their act back.

Thanks for your letter! :)

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On Nov 27th, Steve W said:

> Hey.. I'm looking for a Giant penguin for my friend... she's nuts about
> them, I was wondering if you could give me the site that you got yours
> off of... maybe they still sell it!
> thanks

Punkie: The site it was on is down, but I think you can find them on:

Look also in a search engine under "giant" or "big" "stuffed animals."

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On Dec 22nd, "EtNiEsRiDeR14" said:


Punkie: Well, you basically agreed to my essay, so I am not sure what you are upset about. I don't think a punk "must" be anything but independant of social flow. That doesn't always mean you have to be an anarchist. A friend of mine had a saying once, "How come anarchists use public roads?"

I must agree, though, I heard SLC Punks is a GREAT film, and I have to take time from my schedule to see it. Not exactly "Rock and Roll High School," which was a punk film in "my" generation, and let me tell you, it sucked big time, but it had Joey Ramone in it, who didn't even try to act, which I respect him for, unlike the "actors" elsewhere in the film. I heard SLC Punks is a real heart-ripper, and based very much on being counter-culture in a Mormon-based city.

Best of luck on your punkish endevours...

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On Dec 24th, "Pinhead1978" said:

Your site is really cool.  I am in Denmark, and I have been to the 
Southern Part of Sweden, but never anything more North than Varmland.  
I really enjoyed your pictures and you make me want to visit up that 
way someday.  You have also been to Las Vegas, I see.  What a 
difference in travel!  I hope to tour the Americas when I am no longer 
schooling for my degree.  I want to see Brasil, Chile, Mexico, and too 
many cities in the U.S. to count! Heheh.  You are very lucky to live 
and travel to interesting places.  Nothing ever happens in Denmark,
except when royalty marries a divorced commoner with child from a 
previous marriage.  Who cares!  Oy.

Punkie: I don't know, it's kind of like the grass is greener on the other side. I will visit Denmark someday, if anything, to see the Lego park in Billund, but there is a WHOLE lot more I will see there. Hope to see you in the States someday!

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