Fan Mail

I do get mail occasionally. Most of it is spam, asking me to buy some mailing list, or a tummy-cizer, or something with lots of XXX, !!!, or $$$ in them. But out of the personal mail from strangers, I get some good pieces of mail, some not so good. Here are some letters (minus the ones that point out my frequent spelling and grammar errors), as they were written and sent to me, both good and bad. If your letter is here, and you would like it removed, just ask!


On Nov 30, Ryan said:

I really liked your sight even though I went to my prom 
I didn't have a good time either. Its good to know
that you can still be cool when you are over 30 and stuff.  

rock on; squids rule!

Ryan the insane

Punkie: Thanks, Ryan! I hope your sanity gets better, but if not, we'll always have Waterloo!

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On Oct 28, Heather K. said:

Thought you might like to know Manhattan Toy named her Nod.  A
Drag-A-Long toy.  I've been hunting one for myself.

Punkie: The Dragon now sits next to our fireplace in our new house (which I think is fitting). She's quite a treasure, and a lot of people ask me where we got her. As my description says, my good friend Brad got her, and although I don't know where, I found these links where you can get one:

Drag-a-long? Hmmm... she doesn't seem THAT durable, but from these sites, they seem to think she'll take quite a beating. Maybe I have been too careful, I mean, I even dust her!

If you also want to know what other FUN large toy you can get, get a Bigens ball. They come in lots of sizes, they are very durable, and even though at first you think, "What would I do with a large, inflatable ball?" you will be amazed and how comfy they are to sit on, roll on, kick about... all my parties people play with the big yellow ball, and have a blast!

Thanks for your letter! :)

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On Sept 29, "Sophia" said:

Dear Grig,

Thank you for contacting CDNOW.  I apologize for any inconvenience that 
has been caused.

Please accept our apologies concerning your situation.  We pride 
ourselves on having an efficient, competent, and knowledgeable staff who
are willing to take the extra measures to satisfy all of our customers. 
You are very important to us, and we are concerned about solving any 
difficulties you may incur as quickly as possible.  Please be assured we
are making every effort to rectify your situation.

If there is anything else that I can do for you, please let me know.


Customer Service
CDNOW, Inc.  Never miss a beat.
AOL Keyword: CDNOW

Punkie: [Note: I wrote to CDNOW's customer service because their weekly newsletter began to address me as "Dear Jennifer," instead of Grig. I thought this was amusing, but I never thought much about it until a co-worker saw my mail over my shoulder, and said that I should change that, if anything for security reasons. I think my security of having him read over my e-mail is worse, but who's to say. Anyway, I sent them a quick note to the only address I could find in this newsletter that my name was not Jennifer, but Grig, and I got back this over-reacting, gushing response. I know it's a form letter, but it was even more amusing, and I thought I'd share it with ya'll. It reminds me of that Monty Python Sketch where the restaurant over-reacts to a customer complaining about a dirty fork, and ends with several suicides and a crazed cook attacking them with a meat cleaver.]

[Note2: They still never changed my name, but I found out why this happened. My friend Jeni sent me some CD's over a year ago, and they put her name on my e-mail address.]

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On Aug 06, Carl C. said:

> I saw your sight and I had to disagree with some of your essays. One of them 
> is the one about the human animal.  Humans are different than animals as 
> referenced in the Holy Bible.  
>  Gen 1:25 "God made the animals of the earth after their kind, and the cattle 
> after their kind, and everything that creeps on the ground after its kind."
>  Gen 1:27 "God created man in his own image."
>  He is the creator, and all must listen to His word as we study in the Good 
> Book.  I do not see any reference to His word in your essay, maybe you were 
> afraid to speak with the Almighty, hmm?
>  John 3:16 "Whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life."

Punkie: [Note: The address came back as "no such mail", so this is to that guy if he reads this page]

According to that argument, if the Almighty is the father of both man and animal, then we are brothers, as the Native Americans believed. I still say we are no different, no matter what book anywhere says. I have nothing against Christianity, I just don't take a lot of their biblical archetypes as true fact.

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On Aug 06, Bud W. said:

Hey, Grig:

I wish I could argue with you about ImagineCon, but it was no less a
disaster than you reported - worse, in fact.

I'm more than a little dismayed that I made the initial impression on you
that I did - it was certainly NOT intentional, and I'm glad I came across
as more reasonable as the weekend wore on.

I won't go into details about why the con sucked as badly as it did, except
to say that one of the honchos (the one I dealt with almost exclusively)
lied about his participation and his contacts from day one; he
singlehandedly cost the convention thousands of dollars and an incalculable
amount of good-will.

As to next year: I gave the remaining directors until the first of this
month to give me a commitment to go ahead with the next one or I'd pull out
(they asked me to handle ALL the programming next year, not just the sf); I
haven't yet heard from them, and I'm unwilling to give them more than a few
more days.

All in all, I'm delighted that you were and are as good-natured about it as
you are, and insofar as I can apologize for the screw-ups of others, I do.

Art Wholeflaffer sends his best, by the way.


Punkie: I am sorry to hear is was a worse disatser than I reported, because I tried to be kind, I really did. Running a con is hard, but man... considering what I was promised, and then what happened was a bit dissappointing. I am just glad I didn't get screwed further. I have never seen merchants that mad since the disasterous Event Horizon (1500 promised, 163 showed - including staff).

But life is too short to hate people. When you hate people, rarely do they care, and then you are left doing all the work.

[Note: Bud was running Scifi programming and gave me permission to print this letter, stating "Oh, by all means. Even if they get pissed, what can they do to me? My rep is a hell of a lot better in the are than theirs is." He also added he hasn't heard from them since, and the dedicated Imaginecon phone number has been disconnected. "I suspect that it won't be re-connected," he surmised, "con or no con. At any rate, I've decided to cancel my own participation; enough is enough." Well spoken, Bud. Bud is a Hugo-award nomitaed writer who has a website at]

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On Aug 20, Sherry F. said:

> I, like you, disagreed on the leash thing with
> always looked so cruel. But, I am now 
> online looking to buy TWO. I admire your opinion, 
> but must also have you look at a different aspect
> of those "leashes" Surely, the woman who was using
> the leash the same as a dog leash is displaying 
> bad parenting. I have twin two year old girls and 
> now that they semi-listen to me, it still isn't
> working to just hold hands with them..when it is 
> two of them, it is much more difficult and 
> dangerous to even try to wal down the street with
> both of them...I can't just ONLY use the stroller, 
> they love to walk. they are just two and are  not
> going to listen perfectly. if I was a few blocks
> away from home and one tried hard enough to pull
> her hand away and ran would be hard to 
> "catch" the straying one while keeping a hold of 
> the other..and scary to think of them pulling away 
> and making it to the street before I could scoop 
> the other child up in my arms to run after the
> other. I changed my mind totally on the matter 
> and STILL agree with you on a person with only 
> child. There is NO reason a parent needs a leash 
> for just one kid. I dont even think I will use one
> for public places...just would be nice as a saftey 
> measure when going on walks. Just wanted you to 
> see my view.
> Thanks
> Sherry, Sarah and Hannah

Punkie: You present a special case. I had ideas for you, but as a parent myself, I know how annoying it is to get "suggestions" like your parenting is sub-par or something. I only have one child, so I don't know how hard it is to deal with two children of the terrible twos at the same time. I know it has had to be done in the past without leashes. But maybe that's why those mothers never left home :).

Since I have written that essay, I have had some people come up to me with their opinions. One was a girl who was put on a leash when she was two, but blamed that on attention deficit (which she blamed on everything, including why she couldn't hold a job at 22, but that's another story). She told me it had no ill effect on her, and her parents and her get along fine. She said she was so roudy as a two-year old that a leash was the only answer.

I also heard from someone else who had two girls that said the "wrist" leashes was what he used, and that it was the only way to keep his girls from getting separated in a crowd (he still holds their hand, but the leash is an added safeguard). But his children are several years apart, so he has only dealt with it one at a time.

The major point of my essay, though, was focusing on a deeper layer of problems I have seen with parents: lack of responsibility. You keep a dog on a leash because if it doesn't follow well-disciplined commands, it could get into trouble. But that's a dog. A dog does not have (to my knowledge) cognitive thought beyond its basic needs, and never will. I got a dog last year (for the first time), and I wouldn't dream of having him unleashed. But kids are different. Their intellect goes beyond the canine limits even before they learn to walk. But I see some parents who have kids for no good reason, dealing with them like a mistake they have to live with. A majority of the kids on leashes have these kinds of parents, irresponsible and dealing with issues on the extreme level instead of a more reasonable level.

I didn't grow up in a child-proof house. Neither did my friends. Some of them did get their heads bumped on coffee tables, shocked by outlets, and get bitten by animals. They turned out fine. Sometimes, you have to learn about reality the hard way. You can tell a child over and over again that the stove is hot, but until you get burned, you never really know (like how adults are with "Wet Paint" signs). Some children you can say no to drugs until you are blue in the face, and then one day find out that junior did smoke pot in college due to some complex nature of dealing with a girlfriend and student pressures at the time.

I am not against baby pens, putting up bumper guards, baby gates, outlet covers, and so on. I just don't believe they should be used IN PLACE of actual care. Leashes are the same way. There will always be special cases, like autism, or in your case, one person with two toddlers. I agree you can't just leave them in a stroller (what fun is that?). I am glad you let your children explore, and you wish to keep them safe. I guess my issue with the other parents is those that put their children on a leash just so they don't have to interact with them.

Thanks for your letter!

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On Jul 20, Kerla S. said:

I love your site.  I love the comedy, truly you have outdone
I have attended the con before and I have gotten awards from the
masquerade from you :)

the web page addy is

its under awards of course. I say 100% you deserve the award for
exceptional web page.

this is one which I only hand out once in a blue moon. ( pesky smurfs )

Punkie: Thanks! I love awards from more personal pages. They show real people came to my site and liked what they saw. I will be putting this award on my front page as soon as I figure out where to fit it. I am sure your award is better than any farce I made at your expense onstage... :)

Thank you very much! :)

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On Jun 16, KorQ H. said:

> I saw you at Imaginecon, and I wondered who the hell you were.  I am glad I 
> came to your site.  You were right about those guys, they had a terrible con. 
>  Our room party got out of hand because people were so bored.  You don't even 
> know the half of the Double Tree problems.  They charged us for the wrong room 
> and tried to stick us with some bar fridge that was lost.  Yeah, they also 
> tried to get me and my buddies with the Klingon group (we're not really nerds,
>  honest, I keep telling myself that) when we were carrying McDonalds bags in 
> the Pavillion.  Security was really bad.  You didn't mention how gestapo they 
> were and had this uppity attitude about rules.  I have never been to a con 
> where the security wore matching shirts, they must have confused themselves 
> with a rock concert.  Hell, we've been to better rock concerts.  Never again.
>  Good luck at Castle con.

Punkie: I didn't have problems with security, really. Only the rude registration people, but to be fair, they were as much in the dark as us guests, so even though they shouldn't have been rude, I am sure that it would have been hard to deal with everything. I did get an official apology from Imaginecon, but I wonder if they will have an Imaginecon 2, and if they do, will the invite me back, and if they do, will I go? We shall see.

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On Apr 30, "Someone" said:

> You are so lame, just give it up fucko.  We know it's you.  You are pathetic.

Punkie: The tally for Crunchland is now 4:4. They think I have been 4 users and I think they have written to complain from 4 various e-mail addresses to state that they "know it's really me." According to some people at Crunchland, they think I am Alan Corvus, Dean Clean, Titan, or K-mart Dollie. Apparently the thought that other people hate them is too much, it has to be me every time. I had lunch with Alan, who now works in my company (we bought his out last year), and he said that they even harassed his sister who tried to post. Dean's in some sort of military-related job, and is pretty cool. We discussed ways to gain revenge on the people who though I was him (or he was me), but we decided against it. Titan or K-mart never replied.

I just can't believe these guys. I used to be upset at them, but now it's just getting silly. I look at the board from time to time, and study how they are devouring themselves. Most of the mature members ditched long ago, and now it's just two types of people: the pathetic powermongers and those that will be victims to them.

I miss Captain Crunch. No wonder he gave it all up.

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On Mar 03, Clayton F. said:

> I love your site!  You are so cool.  I read about your "Mac Chat from Hell," 
> and showed it to some of my friends.  They love Macs and hate AOL, and were 
> able to get a kick out of the "no PPP-ville for you!" comments.  I used to 
> betatest for Misco$oft, and that's pretty much how it was.  I used to manage 
> a message board for some users, and used to laugh at the rubes who would put 
> these things on their only computer and whyne that it hosed everything.  Well 
> no doy, it's a beta product!  Hello?  They deserved those kinds of hard 
> lessons.  That's why I love BeOS.  At least the people who use that have some 
> sort of clue.

Punkie: Thanks! Yeah, beta testing can be arduous, especially when dealing with Mac users. They are not used to crashes, and when AOL Betas crashed, it was fairly upsetting. At least many Windows users would say, "Oh, it crashed with a GPF in the S3.DLL, which I think is my video card," but with Mac people, all they get is some sort of generic "Error 11" and a picture of a cute little bomb. I am not sure if that is good that Windows users are used to crashes so much they are more familiar with their machine or Mac users who hardly crash at all!

I recall however, for Amigas, you'd get something called a "Guru Meditation Error," which was both vague and cryptic.

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On Mar 03, Ray S. said:

    I read your thing about high school and your neck getting injured and all. 
That really sucks.  When I was in school I got hurt by this mean kid too. He 
pushed my face into a tree and broke my nose and two of my teeth. He said if 
I told that he would kill me but I told anyways and he got suspended from 
school which sucked because now he would wait for me after school and I 
thought I was goin to die. But then some bigger kid beat him up and really 
messed him up. He was in the hospitol for months and was never mean after 
that. Some said he was hurt so bad he got retarted.
    It's a shame now that I am in college and no one knows what happened to him. 
Do you know what happened to the guy who flipped you? What ever happens to 
these guys when they get older? Peace out.

Punkie: I am not sure. He was a known cocaine user, so he may be dead by now. I got beat up a lot in school, but I was different back then. I heard one of the guys who beat me up a lot ended up getting a football scholarship and blew it when he got busted with drug possession. He was last seen stocking shelves at the local supermarket. Another was seen a few years ago pumping gas in Winchester. Most of the kids who picked on me grew out of it when they got girlfriends in high school, and ended up getting better lives. I know one of them is some bigwig officer who sells bank loans, and another in a captain in the Navy. So they didn't all end up like that.

You story is kind of interesting because this bully ended up meeting a bigger bully, and got beat up so bad, he became retarded. I wonder what karma plays there?

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On Feb 26, Carl R. said:

I am not sure why I am writing this, but your page is cool.

Punkie: I am not sure why I am answering this, but thanks! :)

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