Fan Mail

The Letters of 1998

Here are some letters I got in 1998 as they were written and sent to me. Not really a "best of," or even the "worst of." Just a collection of those who took time to write to me for various reasons. If your letter is here, and you would like it removed, just ask!


On November 10, Alex D. said:

Wasn't there a cartoon many years ago that featured a walrus, a bear, a rat
and a penguin?  What was the name of the walrus???

Punkie: I think it was "Tennessee Tuxedo," if I am not mistaken. It was about a Walrus (Chumley) and a Penguin in a zoo, and Don Adams (from "Get Smart") did the voice of the penguin. After a brief search, I found this site: has some details on it.

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On November 8, Greg B. said:

Dear whatever your name is...

   Me and i am sure a lot of people think you are full of [poop (ed. note)]. 
Punk is not an attitude it is a lifestyle or a type of music it does 
not matter if you so drugs or wear black clothes. You can not look up punk 
on the internet or get it from coping someone you think is cool.

Punkie: [I was trying to think of some witty retort, but decided to reply. For one, the letter writer has obviously not read my article, because he says I am full of poop, and then agrees with what I wrote. Then the rest of his letter promotes his band (which I excluded). But I posted this because I wanted to show I still get this kind of mail now and then.]

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On October 13, Suzi W. said:

Tee hee!  I went to the Punkie Doom on the Web again...  I never told
you I liked the one you wrote about parenting, did I?  Well I did.  It's
the most intelligent thing I've read for a long, long time.

Punkie: Suzi... You *know* I have to put this in my fanmail section... :)

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On Sept 18, Jeremy W. said:

I was watching some Discovery show about all kinds of neat animals do to eat.
Anthoney Hopkins told us all about cuddlefish.
I am trying to find out more about them because I want one. Bad.
Do you know anything about them?
They look like squid....

Punkie: Cuttlefish! Yes, of course. A member of the same family of squids and octopi, cuttlefish are most commonly known as the source of cuttlebone (a kind of calcium bar for pet birds). They have the most advanced form of language of the mollusk family, using special pigment muscles in their bodies to communicate a kind of semaphore to each other. They use this to attract mates, defend territories from rivals, and it has been suggested they hypnotize potential prey by making groovy patterns on their skin. They are experts at camouflage, too. They are more like squid than octopi, and have more advanced "fins" that can make the swim and even hover almost motionless in the water.

A picture of one with some good information on the cuttlefish and other cephalopods can be found at

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On Sept 18, Dustin B. said:

Hello, i really enjoyed your insight on punk, i agree with almost all of
it, but i feel another aspect that was missed was the lifstyle chosen or
not of a struggling youth trying to follow his/her beliefs and be downed
for it. That is why i am the way i am and the way i live and i love it.
Im in it all to be happy like everyone els. Anyway... good site keep up
the good work.......PUNK POLKA

Punkie: That's true. The whole punkish attitude can be a little of both. The punks survive. I recall what someone told a "ex-punk" Deborah Harry (formerly from the band "Blondie"). When people accused her of being a sellout and going disco in the early eighties, she said, "Yeah, I wept all the way to the bank."

One of the main problems a lot of punks face is whether to do it for the "art," the sake of being for being's sake, or for the sake of survival. Either path is valid, and you should go with how you feel, as long as you can accept your path. I have punk friends who are on both ends. One that comes to mind is now a programmer from a retail career just a few years ago, and what many considered a sellout because she went corporate. One of her best friends who also started in retail hell is now still struggling (but a very talented) artist. Her life depends on one job to the next, and has had many nights of tuna and macaroni just to survive. I consider both successful, and they view each other as successful as well. Being punk served them well as "adults" (God, I hate that term), even if their teenage life was misunderstood by their elders and peers.

I feel if you are truly punk, you will survive. No matter what. That's what separates us from the posers.

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On Sept. 16, Marie said:

...Itīs not the attitude that makes ME punk.....

Punkie: Then what is it...?

[Note: I never received a response]

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On August 26, Matt F. said:

I read your WorldCon report and enjoyed it.  I didn't know 
you had so many problems with the anime room.  You were in surprisingly 
good spirits despite your hardships.  But I guess if we never had any 
challenges, we wouldn't have any good memories or stories :)

Punkie: It wasn't so bad. I think to put on something as big as Worldcon, you are bound to have some mishaps. I think other people's account of Worldcon were worse than it actually was. But it's like your wedding day, you have been working and dreaming for so long, that any little thing that goes wrong ends up exaggerated when compared to the perfection you assumed.

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On Aug 26, Jenny said:

I regards to The punk is alive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.....................!, 
I maintain this site, and in addition:

I think this site was really great, because it
really was!!!!!!!!!
I loved it!.
I think that you has right about the punk!
It`s not the style who egmith (I don`t know how it
It4s the attitude.
    And   THE PUNK IS ALIVE!!!

Punkie: Thanks for your flattery, I loved it! Sorry it took me so long to respond to you, but I just got back from the beach in NC, right ahead of the hurricane, only to have a week's worth of backed-up stuff be dumped on me.

You are right about style vs. substance. The poser element is subsiding somewhat since the punk and goth element is not "cool" anymore per se (thank God, now we can be left alone), but I think there will always be wanna-bes no matter where you go. The punk will ALWAYS be alive, as long as people like you carry the torch, and burn the hairs of the mundanes... :)

Sweet Raving,


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On August 16, Someone who probably wishes to remain anonymous said:

Nice job.  Two comments about things you wrote [about Worldcon]:

Opening Ceremonies: Slide show.  Yea, we kept calling them on the headset and saying 
 "No, really, we could play some nice music over this boring slide show..."
 "That's ok, it'll be over in 15 minutes."

 (running crew glances at each other)

 "In 15 minutes everyone will either be dead, or there will be a riot... Really, it'd be no trouble to place
   some nice music over this boring slide show..."

  "Well, it was supposed to start 10 minutes before the start time."

  "Gosh, and if you had told us that 11 minutes before start time, rather than depending on elfin magic,
   it would have happened that way."

(Peggy made me chafe in places with the never ending noncharismatic speakers too...  But she's a BSFS demigod,
and who are we mortals on the staff to complain that one of her OC's sucks.  Again.)

As for JMS, he really truly has pnemonia.  I was on the phone with him a week before the con 
when I had gotten a feeling he was going to have to bail, trying to figure out how to rescue 
the video presentation.  Luckily he was sending the new fan club president, so she got stuck 
with it.  He's also really pissed, cause he considered getting the worldcon goh bid to be 
the pinnacle of his career, and he couldn't go...

Punkie: This was good to hear. I made some post notes in my essay in regards to this letter.

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On June 27, Peter from Walrus Systems said:
Thanks for the "World Wide Walrus" page - it had me rolling around with
laughter - a very unusual reaction to stuff you find on the web.

Best wishes,

Peter, Walrus Systems,

(a hifi shop in London!)

Punkie:Thank you very much for your complements! But come on, there's lots of funny stuff on the web. Have you seen some of the American religious or right wing sites? Classic comedy! What makes them really funny is that they are serious. Or does that make it not funny? I forget which, since the looney sites and the right-wing sites I think have the same writer.

I don't take anything serious on the web. That's best left to the telly. :)

Best to you and your hifi shop!

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On May 25, Michael L. said:
Nordstjernan... I write articles for the paper from Minnesota.

American Swedish Institute... I have been on the board and last Monday
was voted 'president' (of the board)... thanks for your 'link'.

Found my fathers relations last January... visited there, two came here
for a family reunion just before my father died in October.

	In April of this year, made contact with the mothers side
	in Sweden... MOM has a passport for a pending trip!

Found quite a few new things on your site, for which I'm grateful.

Michael L

Punkie: Congratulations! Thank you for your support. I have really tried to cut through a lot of the chaff to try and find some quality sites for the American-Swede, or just the homesick Scandinavian.

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On April 25, Dan W. said:

i found your "what is punk" page by doin a search to look for that so i 
can spam on what is really punk and i found your page and you are the 
most punk outta all those pages me and my friend were discusing that
and we had the same opinion (at least similar) i might be young but i 
certanly know what punk truly is

Punkie: Thank you! I try not to get discouraged by the posers from some of the rich areas around here. They dress in $500 leather jackets with "pre-stressed" Versace jeans, smoke clove cigarettes, and complain how daddy cut their allowance again. A lot of the punks who are my friends are some of the coolest people I know, and the most fun to be with downtown. A lot can be said about $5 ensemble from the local thrift shop and the attitude, "Life sucks, but I can always fix that..."

Loved your page, by the way. Midi, Punk, Ska, SK8 and SimCity. What an eclectic combo, rock on! :)

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On Feb 25, Rusty S. said:

U R a god dam dirty jew

Punkie: I will never understand the anti-semitic hatred that flows from some people. And I am not even Jewish. This was his first letter. The letters that followed were filled with all kinds of hate mail about Hitler, Arabs, and "the Second Coming." There were overtones of hysteria with sad, sad exposures to this poor child's tortured soul. I can only imagine what kind of life he leads. Any e-mails I sent to him were returned with more bile about how Jews controlled this and that, and how they will all be marked on their doors with blood on Judgement day, and so on and so on. After some attempted letter bombing, I contacted his ISP, and got a letter that said he's been dealt with.

After all this, I will state that I am proud of the Jewish people. They have put up with some of the most impossible odds, violent hatred, and social reform, and yet still remain pretty much intact. I think a lot of groups could learn from their lesson.

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On Feb 25, Travis H. of "Team Chicken Salad" said:

Dis is Chick of Team Chicken Salad Speaking to you     

You know, de shorvt vone.  I am tring my new Arnold Swarzzennegar 
intrepeter.  Unvortunately, it is stuck.  I am wvondering is vyou
know how to fix it.
I vwas just going to say hi, but I feel de need to say some catchy 
phrases about your veb site so I can earn proceeds from dem later.
Unfortunately, all de catchey phrases are copyvighted, so I cannot
say catchey phrases about de veb site, or else i get sued. So I say dis 
about de veb site:
     Var Out
I didn't know your real name bevore I visited here.
Ja, is is Hip and Slick
     I'll Be Bach.
     You be anodther famous composer of your choice.

Punkie: I... know how it *is*... I, myself have... been *stuck* ....with a.... Christopher Walken interpreter *myself*... This has been... very *bad*... for anytime I speak with *anyone*... I fade in and *out*... like cheap cassette micro*phone*.... *please*.... send *help*....

Oh... no... I.... fiddled-with-the-wrong-knob! Now I... talk-like-William-Shatner!

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On Feb 16, Sophie P. said:

dear punkie i luv you and ur funkie web thing. 

i wuz bored and was surfin cauz i had nothin 2 do. then i got 2 ur page
and well i dunno what 2 say man : U cool and u my stylo. i have not alot
of time right now cauz its 12:21 and i got school tomaro so i havta end my
little trip wif u. (sadness) but ill b one of ur biggest fans and ull have
news about me often dude (hurray hehe) 

btw muh name is Sophie, im 16 years old from tha famous boring city of
Montreal, Qc, Canada. SO, its now or never my love, no jk but really u

so take care, dont let those dumb ppl discurage ya and have fun
Soph xxx 

Punkie: What a great letter! I'm posting this as a tribute to my glowing ego, already several sizes to big (it hangs baggily from my ears as we speak). Sixteen in Montreal, huh? I am glad you are in my style, or I am in yours, or however that works. When I was sixteen, I sucked, actually, so you're already ahead of the game! :) Plus, you're on the Net, which can make Canada less boring*.

Your online pal,


[* The author would like to apologize to the Canadian government for that comment. It was made in error and haste for a cheap laugh, and please do not send bombs attached to moose carriers, angry Mounties, or Michael J. Fox to this web site]

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On Jan 27, "Secret Agent Man" Stephen A. said:

You have the funniest website I've seen, yet still very informational. 
I'm thinking the only downside of this page is that I think octopi are a
pretty cool marine animal.

Punkie: Thanks! Actually, I think Octopi are pretty cool as well, just not as funny, unless Sy Sperling wore one as a toupee. Now that's comedy! Okay, it may not be as much comedy as really, really strange, but I blame that on the medication. I know I don't take any but maybe I should start.

But seriously, thank you for the kind praise. Hang ten, dude.

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On Jan 23, Jose P. said:

Your page is excellent DUDE!  You are fast becoming the Bill Gates of Prose
and Web Links.  LOL

Take care my friend and may the Pen fairy always be with you.

Punkie: Thanks Jose. From you, my old Virtual Places Pal, this is a great complement.

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